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Anyone! Our club includes people ranging in age from 16 to 85. Many of our members are in mid-life and most went through our Learn-To-Row program in recent years. 


To row, you should have the capacity for moderate exercise and reasonable swimming skills. Beginning rowing need not be too physically challenging, but takes considerable amount of time in the boats to master the technique well enough to get a significant workout. Beginners must take a Learn to Row course to be eligible for membership. This ensures your safety as well as the safety of the club equipment.

Novices, Intermediate and Experts

Intermediate and advanced coaching is available each season to members. With demonstrated independent rowing and equipment handling skills, intermediate and expert rowers will be given a boathouse key for rowing at non-supervised rows. People with their own boats may rent space in the boathouse, storing up to three personal boats for a price per boat set by the club on a yearly basis.