Anyone! We offer
Learn to Row classes for people with little to no experience with rowing to learn how to row with other people and on their own.
Anyone 16 or older is welcome to take the class- there is no upper age limit! We have members from 16-85 (yes, really!). Any individual under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian present during Learn to Row. The only stipulation is you must be able to handle moderate aerobic exercise and have basic swimming skills.
Learning to row is about mastering the technique so you feel comfortable in a boat. As the class progresses you will also get a workout- how much is up to you.
We row on a beautiful stretch of water on the Grand River in Lansing, MI. The boathouse is located in Grand River Park at 2921 W Main St, Lansing, MI.
Click for map
Upon entering the park, turn left and follow the road to the parking lot. Continue straight on the road through the parking lot- it will turn into a gravel road that leads to the boathouse. LRC is in the Bob Ryden Boathouse which is the second of the three boathouses along that road.

How do I join Lansing Rowing Club?
To be eligible for membership you must be proficient at sculling and handling rowing equipment. Beginners can learn these skills by taking our
Learn to Row class. Experienced rowers can
contact us to set up an intro meeting with a current club member to show you around our boathouse and talk about your prior experience (there's no test, we just want to make sure you are safe). More information can be found on our
Membership page.
What classes and coaching are available?
Learn to Row classes are perfect for beginners- no prior experience required! See
Learn to Row our page for more information and class sign-ups.
How do I find other people to row with?
We offer Spring Open Row for our club members to get back into the rowing season. We also offer Summer and Autumn Open Sessions following our Learn to Row program. These are free member drop-in sessions with no pre-registration required. An experienced LRC volunteer will be available to assist with boat selection, carrying and docking assistance. This is a great opportunity for anyone who would like to team up with other club members in rowing doubles or quads - or just catch-up with your fellow rowers on or off the water!
All members are welcome to attend Open Row and are encouraged to volunteer for at least one session. More information available on our Open Rowing page.
Do you have equipment available for members to use?
Yes! LRC owns a variety of racing and recreational singles, doubles, quads, and oars. All LRC equipment is available for members to sign-out and use at the boathouse.
LRC allows equipment to be transported to regattas for members to race, with prior board approval.
Can I store my kayak in the LRC boathouse?
The LRC boathouse has very limited space so we do not allow storage of any boats other than rowing shells. Active members can rent rack space for up to 3 rowing shells.